Please note that this is not supported by Funeral Results. For further assistance, you may contact the Stripe Support at

If you can still login to your Stripe Account
For a quick demo on how this can be done, please visit the Stripe Support.

  1. Login to your Stripe Account
  2. Click on the Stripe Logo on the upper-right hand and select Profile
  3. Under Profile, click on the Change Password button
  4. Enter your Old Password (current password) and New Password
  5. Click on Change Password button to complete the process

If you can no longer login (forgot password or password is not working)

  1. Go to Stripe Password Reset dashboard
  2. Enter your Email Address
  3. Check your email and you should receive a link to reset your password, If you cannot find it in your inbox, you may have to check your Spam folder
  4. Follow the steps on the password reset link to complete the process