Please note that this is not supported by Funeral Results. For further assistance, you may contact the Dropbox Support at

  1. Login to your Dropbox.
  2. Hover your cursor over the folder you want to share.
  3. Select the Share button
  4. Enter the email addresses of people you want to share the folder to
  5. Select the permission from the pull-down menu. You can set the permission depending on what access you want to provide.

    Shared folders different permissions:
    Editor: Any member you give this permission to can add, edit, or delete files in that folder.
    Viewer: Any member you give this permission to can view and comment on files in a shared folder, but not add, edit, or delete files.
    Owner: Only one member can be the owner of a folder. The creator of a shared folder is automatically the owner, unless they change the owner to someone else.
  6. Add a message about the files and click Share.